ICON White Spot Removal

Do you have white spots on your teeth? Ask Dr. Lupita M. Roca about ICON white spot removal! This powerful and innovative treatment works to remove discoloration and reinforce your tooth enamel, restoring your smile to full beauty and brilliance.

White spots and other discolorations on the teeth often appear as a result of fluorosis, demineralization, tooth trauma or orthodontic treatment. ICON white spot removal works to fill and reinforce this demineralized enamel without any destructive drilling or painful shots, giving you a treatment that is highly effective as well as comfortable and minimally invasive.

Benefits of ICON white spot removal include:

  • Halted progression of tooth decay and similar problems.
  • The ability to treat cavities that are not advanced enough to require a filling.
  • A completely painless treatment.
  • No drilling or anesthesia needed.
  • Preservation of your natural tooth structure.
  • The final result looks just like your original, healthy teeth.
  • Extended life expectancy of your tooth.

Call Arlington Smile Center today at 703-237-7622 to schedule your consultation with our dentist and find out more about ICON white spot removal in Arlington, Virginia.