LightScalpel® — The Newest Dental Laser
Dr. Roca is so excited to introduce state-of-the-art laser technology with the LightScalpel CO2 laser. This FDA-approved laser is designed for increased precision to provide safe and effective treatment that is virtually painless and easier than ever before! Many treatments that used to require scalpels or incisions can now be completed with the laser. In addition to frenectomies (release of tongue-ties and lip-ties), we are able to cosmetically treat uneven, gummy smile lines, speed up recovery time, clean and re-contour inflamed tissue around crowns for better long-term results, and treat painful canker sores and mouth ulcers with instant relief! All with virtually no post-op discomfort!

Visit our other technology pages to learn more! If you have questions about how we use the latest dental technology in our office, give us a call today at 703-237-7622.